Is my child ready for kindergarten? For parents, this is a crucial question to ask when preparing their preschool child for the next stage of their academic journey. If you are looking to build the needed skills that will help prepare your preschooler for kindergarten success, use the lists below to act as a guide.
Independent Skills
Uses restroom
Buttons and zips own clothing
Ties and/or velcro shoes
Cuts safely with scissors
Holds and uses a pencil and crayon
Literacy Skills
Recognizes letters and letter sounds
Knows and writes first name
Listens to stories and answers questions
Holds a book and turns pages
Creates rhyming words
Math Skills
Counts to 20 without skipping numbers
Identifies and writes numbers from 0-10
Recognizes and names basic shapes
Sorts objects by size, color, and shape
Social-Emotional Skills
Separates from caregiver without anxiety
Cooperatively works with others
Cares about the feelings of others
Follows routines and directions
Communicates needs effectively
Just as children may walk or talk at different ages, their maturity, social skills, and abilities develop at unique rates as well. A good school will recognize that a child’s performance and success in class is a partnership between parent and teacher.
Learn more about Hope Academy’s unique perspective on kindergarten here.